App |
Suggested Grade Level |
Explanation & Suggestions for use in the classroom |
Cost? |
7th - 12th |
Interactive, hands-on (student is able to write on the iPad with finger) with show me tutorials. |
$0 (Lite) |
French Tutor
All Grades
depending on student
(Audio to hear pronunciation) Study Lists provide Flashcards, Multiple Choice, Puzzles, and Write Ins. |
$0 |

Spanish Tutor
All Grades depending
on student ability
(Audio to hear pronunciation) Study Lists provide Flashcards, Multiple Choice, Puzzles, and Write Ins. |
$0 |
Everyone |
Upload files for sharing..Documents, Excel and Photos
2.5 GB Free!

Everyone |
Type in a word or Sentence - choose a language ....that simple. (Audio available - to hear the pronunciation) Great for Foreign Lang. classes, or teacher's with ESL students and parents. |
$0 |

Everyone |
Can't afford Pages? Write and store Documents with this app. Can upload as Google Doc, or email as attachment. |
$0 |

Coin Flip Free
Teaching Probability? Use this app to Flip the coin! |
$0 |
 Doceri Remote |
Everyone |
Using your iPad....move around the class, connect with your computer and never turn your back on the students again.
How to at:
$0 |
Edmodo |
4 - 12 |
Unique social website for educational purposes. Teacher can send notes, post replies, send last minute alerts, post about recent assignment submissions and new for fall - quiz generator! Students can check their latest grades & check assignments they may have due. |
$0 |
 Moon |
3 - 12 |
Learn about the moon. Screens show moon phases and more. Pick a date - see moon phase and more info. |
$0 |
StoryKit |
3 - 12 |
Create a electronic book. Write text, illustrate by drawing, or photos. Sounds can be recorded. Add, order and delete pages. (Science teacher is using this app.) |
$0 |
iCell |
5 - 12 |
3D view - inside cells |
$0 |
This Day in History |
3 - 12 |
View Historical Events for the date accessed. |
$0 |
Geometry Test |
8 - 12 |
Practice & Master key Geometry concepts. Question bank = Easy, Medium, and Hard Keeps data per user, data can be cleared. |
$0 |
Sundry Notes |
For Teachers |
Ability to import pdf files, export by pdf, email or print. Format writing, make quick drawings, snag images, make recordings *Math teachers will like the ability to work on virtual graph paper. |
$0 |
Free Books |
Everyone |
23,469 books & counting - all Free! |
$0 |
 Magic Piano |
Everyone |
Music teachers, Directors, & Accompantists can educate students on fundamentals. Can arrange duets with other Magic Piano users (in class, or any country, anywhere) *Magic Fiddle on iTunes, too. |
$2.99 |
 Prezi Viewer |
8 - Older |
Download and Show your Prezis on the iPad. |
$0 |
Stick Pick |
All Teachers |
Pick students at random by giving iPad a shake, or tapping screen..but wait! ALSO - this app suggests question starters for learners at different levels! Differentiate Instruction - records how well students respond during classroom discussions. Teacher can have multiple soup cans, use for Formative Assessments. Communicate with parents - email results to them from this app. Check it out at iTunes! |
$2.99 |
My Math App |
Works with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication |
Quick Graph |
place equation in the calculator - it shows on the graph, also in color and 3D. |
Video Science |
Movies about everything from melting plastic to the color wheel. |
Alpha-tracing |
Trace the letters with your finger. Follow the train, truck or worm and learn the correct way to write your letters. |
Dec & Frac |
Decimals and Fractions, Numbers in the numerator, and denominator, shows results for a decimal and vise versa. |
Pearl Diver |
Number placement and recognition. Diver uses number line to dive for pearls, has to dodge obstacles. |
Lobster Diver |
Same as Pearl Diver, but diving for lobsters. |
Number line |
4th - adult |
Students learn about fractions, decimals and percents by placing them on a number line. |
Factor Race |
7th - adult |
The goal is to complete the equation by using 2 factors. Solve 10 problems correctly to advance to the next level. |
My ABC lite |
K-2 |
Students learn to place letters in order, find letters by sound, use Uppercase/Lowercase, associate words with pictures, and has a category called Jigsaw puzzles. |
Learn 123s |
K-1 |
Students hear the number, then shown 4 pictures and has to correctly touch the right number. |
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