
iPad apps for education

Page history last edited by Debra Quesenberry 12 years, 1 month ago

iPad and iPad2 Apps

We have downloaded, and tested these apps for the iPad. 

Please contact me if you would like to add apps that you have tested. 
Please provide your name and email address so that I may contact you. Please don't submit a generic email, for safety, it probably won't be added. Thanks!
Learn how to use the ipad!


Update!  There are so many apps - I've sorted them by Subject.  (However I've kept the originial list, also.)


ARTS     FOREIGN LANG.       LANG. ARTS          MATH          Organization/Productivity     SCIENCE          SOCIAL STUDIES


                                                             iPad Apps - Prices are subject to change.

App  Suggested Grade Level  Explanation & Suggestions for use in the classroom  Cost?
  7th - 12th  Interactive, hands-on (student is able to write on the iPad with finger) with show me tutorials. $0 (Lite)


 French Tutor

All Grades

depending on student


(Audio to hear pronunciation) Study Lists provide Flashcards, Multiple Choice, Puzzles, and Write Ins. $0 

 Spanish Tutor 

All Grades depending

on student ability

 (Audio to hear pronunciation) Study Lists provide Flashcards, Multiple Choice, Puzzles, and Write Ins. $0




Upload files for sharing..Documents, Excel and Photos

2.5 GB Free! 



Everyone  Type in a word or Sentence - choose a language ....that simple. (Audio available - to hear the pronunciation) Great for Foreign Lang. classes, or teacher's with ESL students and parents.  $0 


Everyone  Can't afford Pages?  Write and store Documents with this app.  Can upload as Google Doc, or email as attachment.    $0 

Coin Flip Free 


Teaching Probability?  Use this app to Flip the coin!  $0 
Doceri Remote

Using your iPad....move around the class, connect with your computer and never turn your back on the students again. 

How to at: http://ipadeducators.ning.com/profiles/blogs/can-your-ipad-replace-your?xg_source=msg_mes_network


4 - 12  Unique social website for educational purposes.  Teacher can send notes, post replies, send last minute alerts, post about recent assignment submissions and new for fall - quiz generator!  Students can check their latest grades & check assignments they may have due.  $0 

3 - 12  Learn about the moon.  Screens show moon phases and more.  Pick a date - see moon phase and more info.  $0 
StoryKit  3 - 12  Create a electronic book.  Write text, illustrate by drawing, or photos. Sounds can be recorded.
Add, order and delete pages.  (Science teacher is using this app.)
5 - 12  3D view - inside cells  $0 
This Day in History
3 - 12  View Historical Events for the date accessed.  $0 
Geometry Test
8 - 12  Practice & Master key Geometry concepts.  Question bank = Easy, Medium, and Hard
Keeps data per user, data can be cleared. 
Sundry Notes
For Teachers  Ability to import pdf files, export by pdf, email or print.
Format writing, make quick drawings, snag images, make recordings
*Math teachers will like the ability to work on virtual graph paper. 
Free Books
Everyone  23,469 books & counting - all Free!    $0

Magic Piano 
Everyone  Music teachers, Directors, & Accompantists can educate students on fundamentals.  Can arrange duets with other Magic Piano users (in class, or any country, anywhere)    *Magic Fiddle on iTunes, too. $2.99 

Prezi Viewer 
8 - Older Download and Show your Prezis on the iPad.    $0
Stick Pick
All Teachers  Pick students at random by giving iPad a shake, or tapping screen..but wait!
ALSO - this app suggests question starters for learners at different levels!  Differentiate Instruction - records how well students respond during classroom discussions.  Teacher can have multiple soup cans, use for Formative Assessments.  Communicate with parents - email results to them from this app.  Check it out at iTunes! 
My Math App    Works with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication   
Quick Graph    place equation in the calculator - it shows on the graph, also in color and 3D.   
Video Science   Movies about everything from melting plastic to the color wheel.   
Alpha-tracing    Trace the letters with your finger.  Follow the train, truck or worm and learn the correct way to write your letters.   
Dec & Frac   Decimals and Fractions,  Numbers in the numerator,  and denominator, shows results for a decimal and vise versa.  
Pearl Diver    Number placement and recognition. Diver uses number line to dive for pearls, has to dodge obstacles.  
Lobster Diver   Same as Pearl Diver,  but diving for lobsters.  
Number line  4th - adult  Students learn about fractions, decimals and percents by placing them on a number line.   
Factor Race  7th - adult  The goal is to complete the equation by using 2 factors. Solve 10 problems correctly to advance to the next level.   
My ABC lite K-2 Students learn to place letters in order, find letters by sound, use Uppercase/Lowercase, associate words with pictures, and has a category called Jigsaw puzzles.  
Learn 123s K-1 Students hear the number, then shown 4 pictures and has to correctly touch the right number.  




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